TOP REASONS TO JOIN PCPGA statewide organization of professional geologists and environmental scientists working in Pennsylvania
See the Join PCPG page for details on the Individual/Academic, Government, Student, Corporate, Associate, and Retired membership categories. a. Annual meeting with time for networking and geologic comradery b. Members-only searchable membership database by name and specialty c. Educational classes with limited enrollment allow for interaction between professionals and instructor. d. “Continental Drifters” are casual local get-togethers to meet and greet other professionals 2. Continuing education discounts with professional development hour credits (PDH/CEU) a. Top-quality online, field and in-person education on a wide range of topics at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels taught by experts in their field b. PDH/CEU credits for states having a continuing education mandate as a condition of license renewal. c. Free or discounted rates for members with a very reasonable dollar value per PDH compared to some other groups’ education costs d. Coursework in all subject domains for the Fundamentals of Geology and Practice of Geology Exams to earn a GIT and the PG license3. State legislation and other geologic news relevant to our profession a. Government Affairs members-only webpage updated monthly on proposed PA Legislation with links to a bill’s text, sponsor and committee of origin. b. Close working relationships with PADEP and other agencies to provide updates and discussions with program personnel c. Bi-weekly eBblasts and quarterly newsletter with technical, scientific, and regulatory news d. Podcasts explore the geology of the Keystone state and interviews geologic professionals4. Advocate for Members and the Geologic Profession a. Input to the legislature on proposed legislation affecting the geoscience community b. Informs members of open comment periods for regulations impacting businesses c. Recommends and has secured appointments for members to key PADEP public advisory, statewide and regional stakeholder committees d. White papers on specific topics, for example, Marcellus shale legislation e. Supports legislation for geoscience license programs across the United States5. Professional and Student Resources a. Tracks ASBOG testing deadlines, licensing requirements and monitors licensing board activities b. Links to the State Registration Board, the PG law, DEP, DCNR, USGS and other geo societies c. Low student membership rate d. Professionals visit colleges to speak about careers, the job market, interviewing, geologic licensing and other topics of interest. e. Resources explaining the type of work a PG might perform for specific industries and applicable college courses for various careers f. Student/young professional targeted education session during Annual Meeting. g. Resume Board6. Get Involved a. Run for office: thirteen-member board of directors with rotating three-year terms b. Join a committee: Government Affairs, Education, Communication, Outreach Services, Technology and Ad Hoc Committees c. Have a voice in your profession through a well-respected, dedicated professional organization that works to improve the geologic community. d. See the Join PCPG page for details on the Individual/Academic, Government, Student, Corporate, Associate, and Retired membership categories
Get involved and Join today! |