Geohazards in the Rocky Mountains:
David Crotsley, PG, Senior Geologist
HDR Engineering, Inc.
Denver, CO
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Level: Basic/General with more intermediate material in case histories.
Webinar Overview: We’ll discuss the design rock cuts in various metamorphic terrains as well as the design and implementation of rockfall mitigation options. Kinematic and Hoek-Brown failure modes provide methodologies in evaluating the structural geology conditions of mining highwalls or rock cuts associated with new roadway alignments, so we’ll present two case studies in how to apply these methods and the innovations needed to keep the practice moving.
Who should attend: Those interested in geology from the basics of structural evaluation through the engineering of rockfall mitigations should attend the webinar. We’ll cover everything from the initial fieldwork through completion of construction.
About our presenter: David Crotsley, PG, Senior Geologist (HDR Engineering, Inc.) — David has 17 years of experience working in the geotechnical world including private and public consulting efforts. His undergraduate degree is from Millersville University. His expertise is the design and implementation of transportation related foundations for bridges as well as roadway related items such as soil and rock slope design. David specializes in geohazard mitigation including rockfall, avalanche, and debris flow modeling.
David works for HDR Engineering, Inc. in Denver, Colorado, and is a PCPG Board Member in his second term.
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